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Tag: erwan davon

How does Erwan Davon’s Extended Orgasm (EO) differ from OM?

Alicia Davon weighs in: I have been getting a few people asking how Extended Orgasm is differs from OM. There are several differences but the one I was appreciating today is the use of the right hand- the DOer uses it like the bass band playing an instrument! It is used for grounding pressure, delicious strokes […]

Why did Nicole hide the origins of Orgasmic Meditation and discredit her source?

In the thread that followed Erwan’s post about him being the mysterious monk that introduced Nicole to OM, Erwan states I am going to respond to Eva Provedel and Yakov Travis questions here about why I waited so long to recount the history. Initially, I chose not to relate with Nicole for about a decade for personal and professional […]