In the thread that followed Erwan’s post about him being the mysterious monk that introduced Nicole to OM, Erwan states
I am going to respond to Eva Provedel and Yakov Travis questions here about why I waited so long to recount the history. Initially, I chose not to relate with Nicole for about a decade for personal and professional reasons. And since I left the romantic relationship I considered it ungentlemanly to make an issue of things. An accurate accounting of history still should have been given and my work should have been credited since they were talking about it. Eventually, Nicole and I rekindled the friendship and she repeatedly assured me she was going to clean up the history. I stupidly waited several years for that, believe it or not! But ultimately learned that little or no efforts were being made in that direction since inaccurate accounts continued. Eventually I got fed up. The tipping point was being shown yet another inaccurate account by a journalist about a month ago and how Nicole handled that with me in conversation.
Erwan Davon