ORGASM is the un-created 3-eyed one, referred to in the Maha Mrityunjaya Mantra, The Mantra for Victory Over Death:
OM TRYAM BAKAM YAJAMAHE – oh 3-eyed one we worship you
SUGANDHIM PUSHTI VARDHANAM – your fragrance permeates and sustains every moment
URVA RUKA MIVA BANDHAN – a tremendous sickness has caught me
MRITYOR MUKSHIYA MAMRITAT – it is ignorance. liberate me from it.
What is a 3-eyed one? It is that which sustains and knows about all the various threes:
* waking, dreaming, deep sleep
* past, present, future
* positive, negative, neutral
* father, mother, child
* craving, aversion, equanimity
* up, down, stillness
* life, death, bardo
* dawn, noon, subset
* cheech, chong, cannabis